The Democratic Women of the Prescott Area presented on Monday two local organizations with donation checks of $2005 each, according to Chair Maria Lynam.
Alexis Miller, Community Outreach Coordinator for Stepping Stones Services of Prescott Valley, and Prescott Area Shelter Services Director Carmen Frederic received the donations from DWPA Treasurer Isabel Cerecedes at their respective offices on June 15. Both women expressed their gratitude for thegenerosity of the members of DWPA. The funds were raised during a month long on-line fundraising campaign in May, according to Lynam. Stepping Stones Agencies, begun in 1980, provides year round advocacy services, including safe shelter, to adults and children affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and other forms of victimization in West Yavapai County. The agency is headquartered in Prescott Valley. The mission of PASS is to serve women, children and veterans by providing temporary housing, resources, individualized case management and a pathway to permanent housing. It was established in Prescott in 2007. Lynam said that the stated mission of the DWPA is to “engage, unite and empower women to promote the principles of the Democratic Party and to attain public office and leadership positions in Arizona”.