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DWPA Monthly Meeting

The guest speakers will be Rosemary Dixon and Jackie deSa of the Anti-Racism Education in Action Team, Prescott and Courtney Osterfelt, Director of the Launchpad. The Launchpad gives teens a place to congregate, physically and virtually, and offers them guidance for their future. Ms. Osterfelt recently organized the Better Together Teen Summit that will take place on Nov. 23. DWPA has sponsored this event along with other community organizations. To find out more about the program and the opportunity to donate, click on the link above.
To purchase your 50/50 Opportunity Drawing tickets, click Here . This month the winner will split the money with the DWPA Scholarship Fund.

You will be let into the meeting from a Waiting Room. See below for the Zoom link:

Topic: DWPA Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 504 709 8428
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Meeting ID: 504 709 8428
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Earlier Event: November 18
Women in Business