Do your part and STAY HOME!
The Pool Will Not be open from August 1-31
Think of all the money you’ll save by not having to buy a new poolside outfit, or the time you would spend convincing your significant other to attend!
Instead - Please support DWPA’s on-going mission to:
Fund scholarships to outstanding high school seniors.
Provide for EMERGE Scholarships that prepare women to run for office and become community leaders
Support Democratic candidates.
Non-Event “Specials”
Provided by
$40 gets your name on the list of other Non-Attendees on our website
$60 gets your name on the above list and a Democrat Mask
$100 and up – you receive all the above and three free tickets to the September 50/50.
Any donation appreciated.
Among those officially not attending: Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Gabby Giffords, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Judy Stahl, Coral Evans, Felicia French, John Lutes and Donna Michaels and many others who are busy protecting our Democracy and Liberty!
Donate through ActBlue or send check to DWPA, c/o Isabel Cerecedes, 8001 N. Sage Vista Dr., Prescott Valley, AZ 86315
The Pool Will Not be open from August 1-31