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Prescott Indivisible General Meeting/Officer Election and Community Discussion


Elections will be held prior to the Community Discussion.
You must register in advance for the meeting.

All members are invited to nominate themselves or another member (with their permission). If you wish to do so, please send a brief statement of what you can offer Prescott Indivisible and for what office/Member at Large you are running for. If we are going to keep PI dynamic, we need strong leaders to step up. Please submit your candidate statement (not more than 100 words) to by 8am on Thurs. Feb. 4.

From the Prescott Indivisible Guidelines: Steering Committee Elections:
New and currently elected Steering Committee members (3 members at large, a Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer) shall be elected or re-elected by the voting representatives of members at the February General Membership meeting (to serve two year terms, beginning at a February General Meeting and ending Jan. 31. Elections will take place in odd-numbered years). These three (3) Steering Committee members at large, the chair, the secretary, and the treasurer will be elected by a simple majority of voting eligible members present at this meeting...members may vote in absentia via a written communication to a designated Steering Committee member. (If you cannot attend the meeting, you can send your e-votes to: by 3pm, Thurs., Feb. 4).

Election procedures:
Any member may nominate themselves or another candidate. Anyone accepting a nomination for a position on the Steering Committee will present a candidate statement of not more than a page to be sent out to general membership in the week prior to the candidate forum.
At the candidate forum, each candidate will be given a few minutes to present their background to the general membership, and will be available to answer questions.
A candidate will need to obtain majority support (50% +1) of votes cast in order to be elected. If no candidate reaches a majority of votes cast, a runoff vote will be held between the two candidates who received the highest vote totals.
Voting shall be done by paper ballot separately for each position**, beginning with Chair and continuing through the other positions. Candidates who are not elected for an earlier position may therefore run for a later one (e.g. a candidate for Chair who is not elected may run for Steering Committee member at large.) **during the time of COVID, we will be using the hand-raise icon on zoom. How do you do that? During the meeting, click on the icon labeled "Participants" at the bottom center of your computer or phone screen. At the bottom of the window, click the button labeled "Raise Hand." Your digital hand is now raised. (After each ballot, please lower your hand).

Officers and Duties:
The Steering Committee shall consist of a Chair, a Treasurer, a Secretary, the team and committee representatives, and 3 members at large...Their duties are as follows:
Chair of the meeting is responsible for creating the agenda for the Steering Committee meeting, and for running the meeting in a way that ensures fairness and democracy. The Chair is also responsible for running General Meetings and any Special Meetings, including elections. If the Chair is a candidate in that particular round of voting, she/he shall pass off Chairing responsibilities to another member of the Steering Committee.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of Steering Committee actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all Steering Committee meetings and General Membership meetings, sending out meeting announcements, posting copies of minutes and the agenda online, and assuring that records are maintained. The Secretary shall make a report at each General membership meeting. The Secretary will keep the official rolls of the group and make that list available to any officer requesting the list. The Secretary, together with one volunteer member at large, shall also be responsible for tabulating votes during elections. A Steering Committee member at large shall tabulate votes if the Secretary is a candidate in a particular vote
The Treasurer shall make a report at each General membership or Steering Committee meeting. They shall be on the bank account for the group, assist in the preparation of any budgets or fundraising plans, and shall make financial information available to eligible members and the public. The Treasurer and Chair shall be the co-signers on the Prescott Indivisible bank account.

Read the Candidate Statements received from Mavis Brauer, Chair; Dee Cohen, Secretary; Jane Doyle, Treasurer; Members at Large Candidates: Molly Beverly, Hilary Canizzaro and Doug Nall.

Join our Community Discussion!
Directly after voting on the Steering Committee members


Over the past four years we have accomplished much, but it is clear that there is still much work to do. On Feb. 4th, Prescott Indivisible launches into a new era and we need your contribution to our direction and growth moving forward.

Whether you are a new member or 4 year veteran, PI has a role for you in this new era! The Community Discussion is a chance to learn more about the priorities of National Indivisible, the 2021 vision of our teams, our many volunteer opportunities and other ways to contribute, as well as have your voice heard in determining the direction of PI in 2021.

Prescott Indivisible has become an influential organization in our community, with your help we can continue to positively impact Northern Arizona and grow our voice for progressive values, join us!