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DWPA April Meeting: Virtual Webinar by Save Our Schools AZ Network

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Don't Miss This Exciting Webinar 
You Don't Have to Leave Your Home!  Stay in Comfy Clothes!

Presented by former DWPA Chair, Kari Hull and
DWPA Board Member, Nicky Indicavitch

You MUST RSVP -- Don't Delay
Learn Enough to Join the Conversation!

How important is public education to the future of this country?
Are vouchers really taking away from public school funding?
Why is public education under siege?

This presentation demystifies education funding, breaks down Arizona’s classroom crisis and uncovers the facts about private school vouchers to help us understand why SOSAZ Network and many others are working to protect public education. It concludes with several positive actions that you can take to share, support and advocate for Arizona’s public schools.

RSVP to sign up for the webinar by clicking this link.   Once you are registered, you will receive an email on the morning of April 22 with a link to join the webinar. 

We will end the webinar with a special "Opportunity Drawing" - a $75 gift certificate to Mind, Body and Soul and a spa basket.
Go to to purchase your tickets for the virtual drawing. Winnings will be split with SOSAZ, so please be generous. Please remember that this is a critical election year. DWPA has budgeted for a number of outreach efforts (and we remain hopeful). Please continue to support us, purchase tickets and donate to DWPA.  

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Pamper Yourself
or Someone You Love!

$75 Gift Certificate to Mind, Body and Soul
and a Beautiful Spa Basket


The Democratic Women of the Prescott Area never miss an opportunity to have some fun and raise some funds! During this time of social distancing and virtual meetings we will put a SPIN on our opportunity drawing. As Mother's Day approaches, the DWPA offers this beautiful spa basket and a $75 gift certificate to Mind, Body and Soul (to be used when hands on care is once again allowed!), to treat yourself or someone you love. 

Each entry in our "Wheel of Fortune" Spin is $10. Simply go to our web site and donate on ActBluejust like you would to pay for the luncheon. Your name will be entered into the Spin Wheel for every $10 donated. At the end of our Zoom luncheon event we will SPIN for all to see the winner. Maria Lynam will happily leave her house and deliver the prize to the winner's door step. Proceeds from this event will be split between SOSAZ and our Scholarship Fund.

Questions?  Contact:  
Maria Lynam
