Your donation can be made through ActBlue or checks can be made out to DWPA and sent c/o Isabel Cerecedes, DWPA Treasurer, 8001 N. Sage Vista, Prescott Valley 86315. The deadline to contribute is Sunday, May 31.
From Maria Lynam, DWPA Chair:
Provided by
Update on the Fundraiser for Prescott Area Shelter Services and Stepping Stones.
We do know that many of you are already contributing in so many ways, and we thank you. The DWPA Board would appreciate your support for this effort. Although we have made our goal, your gift gives us the power to donate even more to assist vulnerable women and their families. Your donation can be made on our website through ActBlue or checks can be made out to DWPA and sent c/o Isabel Cerecedes, DWPA Treasurer, 8001 N. Sage Vista, Prescott Valley 86315. The deadline to contribute is Sunday, May 31. If you haven't had the opportunity to donate to our fundraiser, please do so.
Visit: Prescott Area Shelter Services,
Stepping Stones
(Note: Thermometer updated on 5/12)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Maria Lynam, Chair